Questions regarding the yield and the pump to be used in the bore in South Basavangudi, Bangalore,Karnataka

Dear Sirs,

Would like to share my experience and seek advise

Last week April 20th we  bored a 4 and ½ inch bore at Bangalore South Basavanagudi upto 200 ft . Cost me Rs 30000/-

1)      The driller refused to drill at the exact specified point stating that the foundation stones of old demolished building were at that point and the bore would have problems as these stones will shift. Hence we drilled at a feet away from point specified by HydroGeologist .Is he Right and what impact does this deviation by 1 feet have?

2)      Also the driller said that a 6 ½ bore would have very heavy pressure which may create damage to nearby buildings since they were very close by. Ours is a 20X50 site. Hence we did not go for 6 ½ and deeper drilling. Is he right?

3)      We found water at 95 feet .Plastic casing was put upto75 feet . Proceed to bore upto 200 feet .

4)      The driller said the water was about 1and half inches. There was a continuous steady flow during  drilling upto 200 feet. After 70 feet the granite was black and white, Red and white and mixed upto 200 feet.

Is this yield good ? How long will it last ?We are a family of four. There are 3 to 4 bores in all houses ie 15 feet away from ours.

Do I need to drill for 6 ½ to 400 feet.if so can I drill at the same drilled area now that casing pipes are put?

5)Please advise on the motor/ pump etc and at what level we need to install .The ground to overhead tank height ie 3 floors will be 35 feet. What could be the general cost?



Vasant Madhav




