Query from Balaji Industrial & Agricultural Castings, Hyderabad, AP - Need information on process, technology and issues related to bio-fuels

Original Query: Ravi Prasad Garimella, Balaji Industrial and Agricultural Castings, Hyderabad
Posted 29 September 2006

I am working as Central Coordinator with a small-scale industry in Hyderabad.

In the recent past, we have seen both national and state governments promoting biofuel through various projects and initiatives and we are interested in setting up operations on biofuel. In this regard, I request members to kindly share their experience of the process, technology and issues related to biofuels, specifically on:

  1. The various types of Biofuel species being promoted and where can good quality saplings be obtained from; relative merits/ demerits of these various biofuels, the technology for extraction, oil content, etc. Members may also like to list the support being provided by Agriculture and other government departments to farmers for extension and support.
  2. The economics of biofuel production and processing, e.g. the economic calendar that farmers should follow – time periods for planting, seeding, production; opportunity cost of growing biofuel versus other crops/ trees, etc.. Please also list the major marketing channels for biofuel available today.
  3. Members may also offer information/ suggestions on current and proposed policy and economic instruments that would encourage farmers to take up biofuel production (such as Minimum Support Price, marketing support, buy-back arrangements, etc.).

Please see attachment below for the responses.
