Queries regarding large scale implementation of low cost toilets in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

We represent the corporate social responsibility division of Natco Pharma. It is the Natco Trust, ( A CSR division of Natco Pharma Ltd, based out of Hyderabad who are working in 3 districts (part of the district covered) of Andhra Pradesh. We are working at Nagarjuna Sagar & surrounding villages of Nalagonda district.

1. During our pilot study we came to understood that water and sanitation is a dire need, this prompted us to take up the project on water and sanitation. We plan to take up a sanitation project which envisages individual latrines in one hamlet consisting of 320 households as a pilot project.

We have facilitated the community to know why they need  the toilets, its usage, water availability, diseases, cleanliness etc. Each and every household has some place available for the purpose (water,area or place is not a constraint). The end use is for the benefit of the community and it is for the cost estimation for planning and execution with the active participation of the community (the community contributes nearly 50% of the cost). Approximately 4 to 5 individuals per house. The targeted villages are tribals.

What low cost technology is available on the above mentioned scale? And what would be the unit cost as per the method that you mention? Specific costs would be a plus as we are planning to undertake implementation in 315 households and would like to know the pros and cons prior to implementation.

Manager,Natco Trust
