Quality issues in domestic sewage treatment

This question pertains specifically in the Domestic Sewage treatment context.  Fresh water is sourced and sewage (meaning used water from bath, hand wash and the like, utensil & clothes wash, water flushed down in the toilet) goes to sewage treatment.  The sewage treatment plant treats this water and then discharges the treated sewage or reuses it.  The questions are:

1. When fresh water is converted to sewage, does the TDS levels of the water rise (with respect to TDS of fresh water used in the first place) ?  If so why ?

2. For different sewage treatment technologies are the TDS levels after sewage treatment different from the TDS levels of raw sewage ?

3. If treated sewage water is continuously cycled for the use in flushes, will TDS levels keep increasing with each cycle of use ?

Avinash Krishnamurthy
