Pump stuck in borewell in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need advice regarding installation of a new motor and leave the old one in the borewekk

Dear Sir,

We had a 700ft deep borewell with very good yield  for our residential apartment in LBS nagar, Bangalore  which is in the proximity of the vibhuthipura lake. Recently the borewell motor failed and while trying to lift the motor it got stuck in between and only some part of the pipe could be recovered. The borewell agency now says that the only option is to install a new motor. He also said that the borewell well depth has now reduced  to 570ft from the original 700 ft. It could be because of either the old motor is stuck at that depth or of the boulder block. The water level starts at 390 ft and that  the water repository is only 180 ft. Requesting your valuable suggestions for below points.

1. Is it safe to leave the faulty motor and the pipe in the well and continue to use the water by installing a new motor?
2. Can we redrill the borewell, crush the motor  and flush it out?
3. Is there any ther way to remove the stuck motor from the well?

Mr.Gopan Nair

