Problem with STP in an apartment in Bangalore, Karnataka - Murky water, bad smell and aeration blower sound

I am a resident of a 90 flat residential complex in Bangalore. 

We have a sewage treatment plant which is giving problems-
1. The treated water which is recirculated to toilet flush, is very murky and full of smell.
2. To rectify the problem, we are running the plant for 24 hours.
3. Even after that the problem is still not solved.
4. We have an additional problem - the ventilation blower that pumps fresh air into the underground STP makes a lot of noise pollution. This is causing lot of problems to some of the residents.
We would be highly oblidged if you can advise a solution to the following questions-
1. What is the reason of the smell and murky water? What is the solution?
2. Is it necessary to run the ventilation blower for 24 hours? Is the running of ventilation blower connected to the smell?
3. Is there any remedy for the sound from the blower as it is causing great problems to some of the residents. 
Any help might solve a lot of these problems. Thanking you in anticipation.

I visited the FAQs but did not find a satisfctory answer.

Sachin Mangale 
