Private irrigation borewell near the public borewell in a village in Tamil Nadu - Unable to use the private borewell. Need advise on the legal issues


I have a question and I need expert help in this regard, below is my query. My father lives in a small viallage in tamilnadu and still doing agriculture last year we had severe draught and to save the crops that were cultivated my father arranged for a borewell and it was a succesful borewell, the new borewell we made is just 180 ft from the common borewell that supplies drinking  water to the village and my father learnt that we cannot use the newly drilled well on our farm for agriculture purpsoe snce this is just 180 ft away from the publice borewell. I was searching on the internet for the rules of borewell I could not find  any... I need expert opinion in this regard- whether we can use the newly bdrilled borewell that we have now and not to repeat this smae mistake if we ahve to make another borewell- what are the guidelines we need to follow.

I apprecaite your help and and any suggestion that this community could provide will help us to avaoid legal complications  and  public issues like what we are facing now.


