Pond aerator for a temple in Gaya, Bihar - Need contact details of dealers

I run an NGO which is currently renovating the gardens to the South of the Mahabodhi Mahavihara in Bodhgaya, Bihar. There is a large tank there, some 300 foot square, which is in urgent need of aeration. Do you know of a source of pond aerators in india?

My question has been stimulated by the need to purchase an efficient aeration system for a historical tank at a famous temple in India. The intention is to implement a programme of aeration as soon as possible. The Temple concerned is in Bihar, and the tank is some 9000 square feet with a depth of approximately 20 feet. Currently there is a pronounced algal bloom and the water is bright green. Cat fish live in the lake, fed by devotees who throw bread and sweets for them. This adds to the deoxegenation cycle the tank is suffering from. The temple concerned can be viewed at http://www.mahabodhi.com

with best regards

Dr Richard Dixey
Light of Buddhadharma Foundation International- India
