Please answer questionnaire on water management in India - Need it for dissertation

Dear India Water Portal,

My name is James Wiggins; I am a final year Land Economy undergraduate at the University of Cambridge and I am currently writing a dissertation about water management in India. I would greatly appreciate it if the India Water Portal community and team could help me by answering a questionnaireI have produced to see whether groups, researchers and NGOs feel that the Draft National Water Policy (DNWP) 2012 will help address the key issues with current water management in India as well as views about Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Any communications we have and any information you provide will be held in the strictest of confidence and will be used for research purposes only. Thank you in advance for your participation, I very much appreciate it, and please let me know whether you would like to receive a copy of my final dissertation.

Please click on the link below to start the survey which I estimate will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete:

Best Regards,
James Wiggins
