Is open well or borewell the right choice for irrigation for a farm in Rayakottai, Tamilnadu - How can it be kept sustainable?



I recently purchased 5 acres of agricultural land at Rayakottai, TamilNadu with the main purpose of growing lot of native trees and attracting birds. I also want to promote sustainable eco-friendly methods whether in water usage or agricultural practices. I need to get a water source ready for tree planting. I plan to plant a mixture of native trees for timber, some fruit trees, some trees just for conservation,some for beauty etc. I plan to use almost 4 acres just for trees and less than 1/2 acre for vegetables. I want to keep water and electricty use to the minimum. Also want to go for least dependency on external labour. So maybe drip irrigation is the best option. From neighbours, I have heard that water is typically available at 300 feet and below in the case of borewells. 


Should I go for open traditional well or borewell? How can I keep it sustainable in order to prevent it drying up?



