Need information on open well options


We have lakes / check dam's close to our land; in the West, at about 1 km there is a lake, in the North at 700 meters is a lake and in the South, at 102 meters is a check dam, where till April, there was water at 2 feet depth, and during monsoon it had 8 to 10 feet depth.40 feet from the land there is a small canal running and water will be there during monsoons/rainy days.

But this land and another 4 /5 close by lands do not have electricity, and farming can happen only by using rain water (Rain fed).

Me and my husband do not want to go with a bore drilling option but only open well. But we do not have clarity, and one water diviner said that he is not sure of openwell options in these lands, so my husband suggestion is to dig a well and start doing rain water harvesting. My dream is of flower cultivation and this requires 2000 liters to 20000 liters of water, once every 3 days.  

So seeking  experts advice, on how can we go ahead?


