Not able to insert pump in the newly dug borewell, in Bangalore, Karnataka, because of stones - Should stones be drilled or borewell flushed?

We had dug a borewell in our site some 1.5 months back. Now when we tried to insert the motor inside the borewell we could not insert it after certian limit , below mentioned are the borewell details. Request you to respond witha solution on can be done for this.


-> 6" borewell

-> Borewell depth : 115-118 ft

-> Casing is put upto: 80ft

We first got water at around 70ft, the borewell was put upto 115-118 ft , further we could not procced because the water started to gush out of the neighbour's borewell.

We are able to insert the motor only upto 80-85ft, going further we hit stones.

Do we need to drill through those stones? Would flushing help ? What is the solution for this to not happen again. We are parallely going ahead with the house construction on the site, would that be the reason for the borewell to have stones in it?

