Noisy compressor pumps in Bangalore, Karnataka -Need methods to reduce noise

There are two bore wells where I am facing the same issue:

  One is located in the house I reside in. The location in Bangalore is in the downstream part of an abandoned irrigation tank.This was drilled in 2001 using a 4 inch percussion drill. The top 35 feet was through saturated clayey soil. A PVC casing pipe of 8 inch diameter was used to this depth. This is underlain by (I guess since the drilling method yields no rock sample, only dust) granite to a depth of 105 feet. There is no casing for this part. This was followed by either gravel or fragmented rock so that the Tamid Nadu rig operators feared losing their drill bit and abandoned the well.
This well was fitted with a compressor pump which makes a big racket and is the reason why I asked you whether this noise can be attenuated!

The second bore well is located in the northern part of Bangalore. I can only guess that it is deep and is possibly of 6 inch size. The casing may extend to the same depth because this is usually the soil depth in Bangalore. This well yields enough water to support 6 families needs. This well is also fitted with a compressor pump of  monobloc construction and is very noisy.

Is there any method to reduce the noise levels of the compressor pumps?

Mehter Allam
