No water in apartment first floor due to low pressure in supply pipe line- Will installing a 0.5 hp pump to create suction work?

Hi all,

I am Krishna from Pune. I stay in an apartment which consist of 40 flats of old genre 1 hall-kitchen type. My problem is, in our flat which is located in the first floor, we do not get water from the over head tank unless there is enough pressure. What I mean to say is, if all the 40 flats turn on their taps we don't receive water. We start getting water after an hour or may be not at all. On enquiring, I found that the line which supplies water to the flat above us and below us face the same issue.

The other possibility for receiving water quickly is, all the flats are required to turn off their taps and allow us to turn on the water first; once the flow is in and then they turn on their taps, and then we don't face this problem. The whole plumbing is concealed, the main line from tank runs from the concrete which was laid down while construction, so the society is not ready to change the plumbing or provide a new line from the tank as it is under the warranty period of 25 yrs by the person who has constructed it.

So I am thinking of having a 500 litre loft tank in my wash room so that it fills up when ever there is enough water supply in my flat but the problem is during summers when there is less water supply from the corporation and we don't have enough water to upload into overhead tank from the ground water tank and hence the water in the overhead water tank sustains for hardly  1.5 hrs. By this time all of them have their taps open and we don't receive water which is not allowing my loft tank to fill.

I am thinking of installing a water pump of 0.5 hp which can create enough suction pressure and draw water from the overhead tank when there is water. Will this idea work for me or due to many points in the line which supplies water to my flat, the pressure created by suction of the motor will not be a good idea?

Please revert back with you suggestions.

