New borewell dries up in a house construction site in Madhapur, Hyderabad, AP - Is it due to excessive usage or new borewells dug

Respected Sirs,

I am constructing my house and for construction purposes I have recently dug a borewell in December 2009. The location is in Madhapur, Hyderabad (a semi rocky but relatively flat area). We have 5 ft depth of black cotton soil in our plot followed by normal/hard soil thereafter. After drilling through these layers, we hit rock at around 50 ft depth and after that it was all rock (as evident by rock powder while drilling). We struck water right below the rock at 325 ft. Because the pressure was high (3 inches I was told) the driller said he could drill a further 10 ft more only for a total of 335 ft. We installed a 1.5 HP submersibe motor at 305 ft depth.

We had very good pressure from the borewell for the past 4 months. Since two weeks the pressure became a bit less and 3 days ago the borewell went completely dry. An expert mechanic dropped a stone tied to a thread and we could hardly see any wetness of the thread except for the bottom 4 or 5 feet.

Some data about neighbouring borewells. There was an existing borewell at a distance of 120 ft from our borewell (south side) which was dug 6 months before ours. They hit water at 580 ft and went further upto 620 ft total. Their pressure is about 1.5 inch. This is still running fine without any reduction in pressure and is being used for construction of an apartment. Recently, about one month back, three borewells were drilled at a distance of about 120 - 150 ft from our borewell (north side) for a new construction site (all 3 in the same plot for 3 independent houses). 2 of those borewells hit water around 330 ft and went further upto 350 ft total. The pressure was 3 inches. No motor was installed for these and water is not being drawn. The third borewell struck water at around 400 ft and went further upto 450 ft total. The pressure was 1.5 inch. This borewell is running fine and they are using this water for construction of all the three houses in that plot.

We have used the water in our borewell sparingly but our watchman pilferaged it without our knowledge and sold it off to surrounding people. We suspect that this pilferage was significant. We are suprised that our high yielding new borewell has dried up so soon and so suddenly. Is it possible that our borewell dried up because of excessive usage or because of these new borewells dug recently? But the 2 borewells out of the three that seem to hit our water column (at 325 ft) are not being used. What are my options now? Should I drill deeper in the existing borewell or go for a new one? Can I be sure of getting water by digging deeper? I need water urgently as my house construction has stopped beacuse of lack of water. Please advise.

Thanking you,

