Need your help in restoration & development of Heggeri lake in Haveri in North Karnataka

(Query received over email from Veeresh S)

Respected Sir/Madam

I came across your website while searching for technical help on restoring water resources. Hope we can works together to save this huge tank and its irrigation system in North Karnataka which is at the verge of extinction. Please find the attached document that gives a complete details about the current status of this Tank and its irrigations system. Also attaching the recent Government order in connection with this lake. There are many other related documents I collected from Minor Irrigation Department(MI Dept.) of Karnataka and also from Town Planning authority. I can share all those as required.

As you read through the document you will see that the irrigations system of this tank has been completely ignored by the MI Dept or the respective bodies. I am looking for how to bring back this Tank and its irrigations to its fullest potential. In this regard I wanted your guidance or work with you in understanding the technicalities of irrigation system and also the legal aspect of saving the command area (achchkat) from being converted to non-agricultural (industrial) purpose.

Thank you for your time and looking forward to hear from you.


