Need water softening and purification solution for apartment with 12 flats

Our apartment has 12 flats. We are entirely dependent on borewell water for all our water needs. As the borewell water is quite hard, we had deployed a water softener from Ion Exchange. After few years of usage, we had to add a "sand filter" before softener to avoid softener from getting choked due to sand particles.

Right now, this is the process we follow:
1. Pump the water from borewell to a sump in the ground floor
2. Then pump the water from sump to the overhead tank through sand filter and softener.
    We noticed that this process is loading our pump motor when either sand filter or softener gets partially blocked as there is reverse pressure.

So now, we are planning a 3 step process:
1. First, pump water from borewell into sump
2. Pump water from sump to another sump through the filters and softener, both on ground floor.
3. Pump water from second sump to overhead tank.
We also seem to need very frequent servicing of the two purifying components.
I wanted to know if there is a simpler or more integrated solution in the market. If not, what are the other suggestions to these problems?

