Need water softener plant calculation methodology

Owing to Hardness,salt deposits in Water Heaters,Washing machines and sediment precipitates in over head tanks as well as formation of salt stains in utensils/ buckets,sanitary wares, etc., which leads to frequent repairs of Water Heaters, Washing machines, etc. I assume that a Water Softner would minimize such break down of domestic appliances or stains.

Whilst approaching the vendor for setting up a Water Softner plant,in-house, the vendor suggests that the Capacity of the Water Softner tank[PentAir,others],Quantity of Resin is based on (1) Hardness of Water (2)the amount of water to be treated/consumed/required per day and  (3)the time for Regeneration ie.,whether regeneration (of resin upon treating with crystal salt) procedure needs to be done weekly,fortnightly or even monthly. However the vendor does not divulge calculation methodology, Can any experts provide me the calculation methodology in the context and highlighting the dependencies and pertinent issues.


