Need third party consultant for apartment STP design evaluation/audit in Bangalore

Hello All

May be the problem is not new but still I couldn't find any solutions. Our Apartment STP is build in the basement, & there are all common issues of STP now appearing like heavy noise, quality of treated water, tank overflowing, foul smell etc. Hence we would like to check our STP design with some third party consultant & want to submit a claim report to our builder as well as KSPCB.

I need your help & advice on the reputed STP auditors or consultants. Further, our apartment STP has inputs from all the waste water even including the water from toilet flush. Can that be correct ?

My understanding is that only kitchen & bathroom waste is an input to STP, which is treated & used for irrigation, flush, carwashing etc..

How can a small STP plant treat human waste? ANd, also if flush water is passed in STP, the water is getting recycled again & again, so quality will be lost anyway.

Look forward your advice.


