Need suggestionto choose between a borewell and rainwater harvesting system in Vijayanagar in Bangalore

I am residing in Vijayanagar in Bangalore. We are five member family, and our average consumption of water per day is around 700 to 800 lts. Since a good number of borewells were dug in Vijayanagar, I was also tempted to get one for our home considering the water scarcity during this summer. We have a sump of 5000 lts capacity and also have some area for constructing one more sump of the same capacity.

One of my friends advised me that since a number of borewells dug in Vijayanagar have gone dry and our neighbour who also got a borewell dug a month ago not getting more than one inch water. Should I go for rain water harvesting with an enhanced sump? Our roof area is almost 1200 square feet. We are bit confused whether to go for borewell or RWH?

Considering the above, can some expert give us advise us a practical advise?

With regards,

Dr Ravindranath
