Need suggestions/help for research on indicators for groundwater contamination by bacteria and pathogens in developing regions

Dear Sirs,

I'm a masters student in sustainable development at Utrecht University, Netherlands. I'm currently doing a research project about groundwater contamination by bacteria and pathogens in Africa. My interest is about the application of QMRA (Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment) without many data, as for example for Uganda.

I've found a review about how to apply QMRA in developing countries (QMRA to estimate health risks attributable to water supply: can the technique be applied in developing countries with limited data?) and I would like to carry on with this aspect, asking people and researchers if data is available for developing QMRA in other developing regions.

I would like to analyze case studies in different places, also in developed countries, to see if it is possible to use QMRA in a simple way. I would appreciate every suggestion you could give to me. I need to find data, as routine monitoring, surveillance projects, specific water quality assessment, population density, waterborne diseases.

Thank you very much for any help.

Kind regards,
