Need suggestions to remove pipes and pump that have got stuck inside the borewell


We got a borewell of around 350 feet deep with 5 hp motor and the same is fitted with Iron (GI) pipes of 2 inch at a depth of about 320-335 feet (16 pipes). The bore is in agricultural land (1 acer land), in Salem, Tamil Nadu. Bore size may be 6 to 6.50 inch and pump cound be 5 to 5.5 inch in diameter.

The bore well was dug somewere around 8-10 years back ago. This year in Feb 13, the bore got repaired. The mechanic removed the pump and the pipes, after repair while reinstalling, 11 pipes fell in to the borewell, on of which has a cuppline.

After scanning the bore using a camera it is found that there are stones of 3-5 inch size, which is at around 95 feet, and further down. The pipe is not seen clearly. 

Request and help:

1  What is the way forward?

2  Can this pipe and stones can be removed?

3  What is the right procedure to solve the problem?

4  Who is the right person - are there any Govt Dept people who can solve the problem or we have to approach private mechanics? How to identify the right person?  

5 Any contact number of expert who can do this job?

This is our main source of supply for agriculture. Hence please suggest and give us your valuable guidence and help us.

K Swami

phone no - 7845297422

email -




