We have a borewell dug in 2010 in our house and it is in continuous use since April 2011 till date. We use the water for general household purpose and use RO processed water for drinking. Initial analysis showed that the water was not good for drinking purpose because of high TDS.
A week ago, we noticed strong foul smell, high tubidity in the borewell water and hence stopped using it. There was heavy rain for three days before this incident. We have collected one sample. Suspecting sewage mix, we requested a borewell contractor to flush and clean the well. While cleaning the well, the contractor informed that there could be casing pipe break/ crack at about 10-15ft from surface because the cleaning pipe did not move freely.
After cleaning for the last two days there is no smell and the water is clear and good. When cleaning was done, the rain had stopped. None of my neighbours encountered this problem in their borewell. There is distance of 10ft between the main city sewer line and the borewell. There is a neighbour's house sewer line running at just 5 ft away from the bore well.
Can any one suggest, if we can use this water after it has been cleaned? Will it get recontaminated again if it rains due to seepage? How to arrest the crack in the casing (4.5" dia, PVC pipe)?
If we were to go for alternate bore, can it be done at the same place by replacing the material?
If we were to go for another bore nearby, how far should this be from the existing bore? What is the gaurantee the crack in the casing will not contaminate the source of water due to heavy rain?
In the last two years, when we had heavy rains, such seepage of sewer water never occured. Please suggest and help us