Need suggestions to gainfully utilize reverse osmosis (RO) waste water from desalination plant in a lignite mine in Rajasthan

(Query received over email from Mukul Rastogi)

Dear Sirs,

My organization is a government enterprise which is engaged in mining of rock phosphate, lignite, steel melt shop (SMS) grade limestone and gypsum in Rajasthan, India.

Mining operation at one of the lignite mines is associated with availability of huge quantity of underground water which is saline in nature and needs to be pumped out on regular basis.

Presently the water is being desalinated at 20 MLD treatment plant for being supplied to nearby areas. The waste of the reverse osmosis (RO) plant is posing huge environmental challenges with regard to its disposal. The chemical analysis of this waste water of treatment plant is as below.

I request you to kindly suggest suitable industrial use for this waste water so that it could be gainfully utilized.
Best regards,
