Need suggestions for an alternate way of having safe and clean drinking water

In our house, we have an underground storage tank for municipal water supply. As the incoming water pressure is low (pipe is at 6ft below ground level), the water never reaches the tap inside the kitchen. For the past 30 years, one of us has to wake-up early in the morning at 5-7 am to drop a bucket in the tank and store the water into pots. The remaining water is pumped into a concrete overhead tank. Most of our neighbors have installed water purifiers and drink the water coming from the overhead tank. My mother does not like the idea of using water purifiers as the tank may not be clean always.

We clean the overhead tank and the underground tank once every 2 months. We occasionally use 20 liters water bottles. It becomes expensive as we need 2 to 3 bottles a day for drinking and cooking.

Please suggest an alternate way of having clean and safe drinking water. How safe/clean is the water coming from the overhead tank if we install the best filter available in the market?

Note that even though we cover the overhead tank properly, there is a chance of an occasional dead insect/creature.

