Need solutions for rainwater harvesting for a small house in Jammu

Dear Sir,
I am planning to build a small  house of around 10 Marlas of plot (2000 Sq Feet) in Jammu city, J&K. I am aware of the water crises our generation is currently facing and  how severe it would become for our future generations. I would like to make what ever little efforts I can, to easy out this grave situation. I had tried to look out for various rain water harvesting solutions on the internet but couldn't find any approach which could be implemented on a small house I'm planning to build.

I would like to have your guidance or other expert guidance for a solutions which can be implemented on a small scale household through which we may be able to harness the rainwater for both domestic use as well as for replenishing the water table.

Any advice and guidance from experts are welcome. Address of any architect or any other source in and around Jammu city which may help us in this matter are also welcome.

Sandeep Slathia
