Need solution for silt in borewell in Bangalore


I dug a 6.5" borewell in Bangalore south, 8 days ago for domestic use with following details

  1. First and only water struck at 665'-good pressure, borewell person claimed it is 4".
  2. Silt layer afterwards and digger stopped at 670'. Declined to go further; reason given heavy water pressure
  3. Muddy water flow observed
  4. Casing depth 20', rock formation started at 5' and continued down without break up to water strike.
  5. Digger suggested to put slotted pipes up to 670'to avoid silt and damage to bore well pump.

But I did not do recheck water with compressor with following observation

  • Static water level at borewell-100'
  • At 400' water was somewhat clear
  • Below 400'water is muddy
  • Water discharge about 4000-4500litre/hr
  • Water collected in a vessel is brownish with whitish tinge and is colloidal and is not clear even after 24 hrs.

Please advise

  1. Whether I have to put slotted pipe up to 670'(it costs a lot) before installing the pump
  2. Whether I can install now a 2hp,30stage submersible pump at say 450' and start using it and hope to get clear water after some days
  3. Are there any alternatives?


