Need scientific way to identify a borewell point in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu - Need to know the accuracy of the method

Hi, This is Rathish(9900578785) posting this query from Denkanikotta village in Krishnagiri Dristrict of Tamilnadu.

We had recently purchased this 5 acres of land in pachapanatti. After the purchase we got few water diviners to identify points where there could be a possible source of water. They identified couple of spots and we went with "majority" spot, where they promised we would get water within 700 feet. Yesterday we got the borewell guys to dig the same. For our bad luck, we couldnt get even a single drop of water even after going till 760 feet. All we got was dry whitish powdery material..:( We are completely shaken by the whole incident. Apparently, before we bought the land, the previous land lord had tried twice in different spots(400 ft and 600 ft) and they were also failure. Is there a scientific way to analyse probable water points? How accurate are they?

To give a background of this land, is a slightly elevated rocky terrain. We have red soil and as of now we have mango plantation all over this 5 acres. We have seen patches of rocks in and around our land. But the adjacent properties/lands have successful borewells.(within 400-500 ft). A few meters down our land, there is a natural water body which gets filled up when it is rainy season.

We are not keen in doing another bore experiment unless we are sure of water availability. I am sure and confident that the water experts here will be able to help me sort out this issue. Please help me. Thankyou one and all.
