Need remedy for high iron content in new borewell water


We have dug a new borewell around 4 months ago in Trivandrum. The well water here when teested shows normal. But the borewell water smells muddy and rust. The test report are as follows:

  • PH - 7.0
  • Total Hardness 81.1 Mg/L
  • Alkalinity 100.0 Mg/L
  • Iron (as Fe) 5.0 Mg/L
  • Chloride (as Cl) 11.66Mg/L
  • Sulphates *(as SO4) Nil
  • Residual Free Chlorine Nil
  • Nitrate (as NO3) Nil
  • Ammonia Nil
  • Nitrite Nil

Is this the deep aquifer problem or the problem of rusted pipes? What could be the remedy?
