Need name and contact details of organizations working on combating salt water ingress in different parts of India

From Helen Rose Patterson, Auroville Water Harvest, Auroville, Tamil Nadu
Posted 13 March 2009

I am Helen Rose Patterson working with the ‘Auroville Water Harvest’, a non-profit organization working in the Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu, since 1996. Auroville Water Harvest works to combat sea water intrusion and promote integrated water management with people's participation.

Our aim is to develop efficient and sustainable remediation techniques based on a further understanding of the surface and groundwater systems. We undertake a wide array of activities, research, and development programmes pertaining to water management, with an emphasis on sustainable integrated development.

As part of my association with Auroville Water Harvest, I am researching salt water intrusion into coastal areas. Presently, I am gathering information regarding various organizations and their activities to control salt water intrusion in different parts of India. Subsequently, we will work with these organizations to develop a strategy on controlling sea water ingress in aquifers.

I request members to provide us with the following:

  • Names and details of organizations working on combating sea water ingress in different parts of India
  • Contact information of specific individuals and their expertise within the above organizations.

Your inputs will help us to compile a directory of such organizations to help further our work. We will share the directory with the community once it is developed.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
