Need inputs for Nirmal Gram Puruskar 2011 guidelines

From Vijay Mittal, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation,  Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India

Posted 17 February 2011

The Total Sanitation Campaign is a comprehensive programme of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, to ensure sanitation facilities in rural areas, with the broader goal to eradicate the practice of open defecation. To add vigor to the TSC, in June 2003, GoI initiated an incentive scheme called the 'Nirmal Gram Puruskar’ (NGP) for fully sanitized and open defecation free Gram Panchayats, blocks, and districts. The incentive provision is for PRIs as well as individuals and organizations that are the driving force for full sanitation coverage.

A ‘Nirmal Gram’ is an “Open Defecation Free” village with all houses, schools and Anganwadis having sanitary toilets and awareness amongst the community on the importance of maintaining personal and community hygiene, good sanitation and clean environment.

The main objectives of the NGP are:

  • To bring sanitation to the forefront of social and political discourse for development in rural India
  • To develop open defecation free and clean villages that will act as models for others to emulate
  • To give incentives to PRIs to sustain the initiatives taken by them to eliminate the practice of open defecation from their respective geographical area by way of full sanitation coverage
  • To increase social mobilization in TSC implementation, by recognizing the catalytic role played by organizations in attaining universal sanitation coverage

The Department has set up a consultative process with experts, civil society groups, Non-Government Organizations to improve upon the NGP 2010 guidelines.  You can read the document at (PDF; Size: 4.04MB).

We would like members to comment on the guidelines and also consider the following points while responding:

  • Eligibility Criteria for NGP
  • Selection process for NGP awardees
  • Suggestions on amount of incentive linked to population
  • Measurable indicators for NGP eligibility Criteria

Your inputs will help in finalisation of the NGP Guidelines 2011.

See the below attachment for response
