Need inputs for India Water Development Report with focus on water availability, scarcity, demand and contamination

From Medhavi Sharma and Anjal Prakash, SaciWATERs, Hyderabad

Posted 10 February, 2011

The South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies (SaciWATERs), Hyderabad, is working on ‘India Water Development Report – The right to water amidst increasing scarcity’, a project funded by UNICEF and FAO.

This report proposes to work towards building a comprehensive and consolidated interdisciplinary publication on Water Development in India with available information as well by exploring it through consultations with various stakeholder groups. The major areas on which information will be collected are

  • Water availability & scarcity
  • Water demand
  • Water quality and contamination
  • Multiple use water resources
  • Pressures and drivers of change
  • Water conservation
  • Partnerships and stakeholder involvement
  • Workable solutions for the way forward.

The report aims to produce a holistic and dynamic document which looks at the strategic steps required for immediate actions to evolve an environment where water is available for all in a sustainable manner.

The first phase of the report consists of framing an overview of the present status of water resources in India on the broad themes of [a] Water Availability and Scarcity (with a section on climate change), [b] Water Demand, [c] Water Contamination and [d] Multiple Use Water Resources.

With respect to the above theme, we request the members to kindly give their valuable inputs on:

  • How is climate change leading to water scarcity situation in different parts\regions of India?
  • Do we have examples of gender disaggregated data that informs water decisions in India? Has it been integrated in any project which the report can highlight?
  • What examples we have on Multiple Use Water Resources and how can this be integrated in the mainstream planning for water resources in India?

The inputs may be in the form of literature, case studies or research work on. Your response will be crucial in framing the report in a holistic manner.

See the below attachment for response
