Need inputs for consultations with gram panchayats in Karnataka on WATSAN

From Sonali Srivastava, Arghyam, Bangalore

Posted 18 August 2009

I am Sonali Srivastava, working with Arghyam on ASHWAS (A survey of Household Water and Sanitation). ASHWAS is a participatory survey conducted by Arghyam to ascertain the status of household water and sanitation in rural Karnataka. ASHWAS covered 17,200 households in 172 Gram Panchayats across 28 districts of Karnataka. In addition, separate information was collected from gram panchayat officials and village elders. The State Governor launched the ASHWAS report launched on 20 July, 2009. We incorporated several suggestions from members in the earlier discussion on analysing the data, and also reorganised some parameters. You can read a brief report on ASHWAS at

The ASHWAS report’s findings show a sub-optimal situation at the ground level on various aspects of water and sanitation, despite efforts from multiple agencies. As a follow up of the survey, Arghyam plans to have meetings with panchayat members of all the 172 GPs covered across Karnataka. The purpose is to share findings detailed in customised GP reports, as well as to discuss possible actions the GPs can undertake. We will organise a half-day workshop in each Gram Panchayat and invite as many people as possible from that panchayat. The process will begin in September 2009.

The State Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RDPR), which has been involved with us in discussions, has also said they would support appropriate interventions that the survey recommends.

In this context, we are keen to hear from members on how to make the GP meetings productive and strategies to encourage GP members to take action.

  • Experiences from the field which involve information dissemination to GPs and its follow-up
  • What should we keep in mind while formulating agenda for the gram panchayat meetings?
  • Please give us pointers on building the capacity of GPs to initiate and pursue action on WATSAN
  • Finally, ways to support RDPR in following up on survey recommendations

Your inputs will help in structuring the meetings with the GPs and in consolidating follow up actions.

Please see attachment below for the responses.
