Need to initiate action against improper borewell drilling in Mahbubnagar, Andhra Pradesh -Should MRO or Gram Panchayat be approached?

I belong to Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. I have a borewell being used for drinking water at my house since 6 years. The owner of the plot beside our house drilled a new borewell for drinking water without prior permission even after objecting and complaining to police. Police stopped the drilling on the day I complained after it was drilled around 40ft and the next day they drilled around 200ft till they got enough water and then police came and stopped drilling and took the borewell vehicle (No.AP28 AB8687) to police station.

I approached MRO for stopping the borewell but the MRO is saying that the borewell is for drinking water purpose so they cannot stop it and is asking to complain at Gram Panchayat. I have read WALTA contents and not finding any such thing that permission is not required for drilling a borewell by an individual for drinking water purpose.

Is the MRO right person to approach for taking any action?  Or do I need to complain to Ground Water Department? Do advice on further course of action.

