Need information on organisations and individuals working on groundwater in urban areas

Posted by

Harshvardhan Dhawan, Arghyam


Arghyam has engaged in various discussions on urban water related issues and has found that the contribution of groundwater to sustain urban growth is rarely acknowledged.Groundwater resources are complex in nature, and its systems have never been fully understood, which further leads to problems of quantity and quality.

Rapid urbanization poses serious questions about the future of urban groundwater bodies like lakes, traditional water systems, wells, etc. which have played a significant role in the expansion of urban centers (small, medium and large towns/cities) and its economy.

Input required

In this context SE-Water members are requested to share the following:

  • Names and details about organizations, institutions and individuals working on groundwater issues in urban areas in India
  • Details about the related work/projects undertaken by them

Please see attachment below for the received responses.

This discussion has been reposted here from Solution Exchange Water Community India.
