Need information about Karnataka Ground Water Bill, 2011- Interested in mapping Kalyan Nagar, 1st Block in Bangalore

Dear India Water portal Team,

My query is with regard to the Karnataka Ground Water (Regulation and Control of Development and Management Bill), 2011.

I would like to know, whether you could provide me with information from the bill; and whether and when it has become an Act. I also would like to know if you could help me in collecting information on the results of the meeting the Minister for Urban Development and Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) S. Suresh Kumar had with officials on the 21st of April and also the follow up meeting mentioned in this article.

I am an interested citizen trying to gather material on ground water laws. I live in Kalyan Nagar 1st Block in Bangalore where there is a spate of bore-wells being dug within metres of each other. I am attempting a dip-stick survey and mapping of the area so this information would help me to construct the piece I am writing for

I would also be happy to share the material with your portal.

Thank you for all the work you are putting into this portal.


Lina Vincent Sunish (09980200317)
