Need help in solving the water problems of a farmer in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Hi all.  I have a friend in Jaisalmer that I am trying to help.  I don't speak Hindi.  He doesn't speak much English and does not read or write well.  I have a computer, he doesn't.. so I'm trying to find out where to start with this.  He has land but there has been no rain and can no longer farm.  He needs to drill a pump (I have no idea about any techncial specifications) and only says he is "sure" there is water under his land.  I'd like to help him but also now very curious about this whole process.. how is groundwater assessed, who does it and what are the costs involved? 

I'm also wondering if anyone knows of any foundations  that can help farmers get these pumps as I'm sure regardless of the price it will be too much for him (and others) to afford- he is afraid to go to the bank for risk of losing his land.


Any insights appreciated- Thanks so much!
