Need help regarding numerous bottling plants in Chalera village in Noida

(Query received from an user over email)

I am a resident of Chalera village in Noida and my concern is regarding numerous bottling plants that have stemmed up in not only my locality but the in the entire rural area around.

Though I do not feel that all is wrong with these plants but the inefficiency with which they operate is distressing, given the fact that more water than what actually gets bottled is wasted into drains. Another setback is that neither the local administration nor any civic body has taken notice of the lack of water harvesting facility or to check the amount of water that is getting out of the grounds and the opportunity costs related.

Water has turned pale and I fear that in a few years our village will confront a grave tragedy whose vicious social implications will degrade our social fabric completely.

Though I have tried doing my bit regarding water conservation but I cannot directly engage myself with the issue due to fear of social hostility and thus I write to you for help and advice.
