Need help for harvesting rainwater along the roads in a colony in Hyderabad


I live in a colony in Hyderabad. We use centralised borewell water for most purposes. In 2005, when I first came, there was a large area of wetlands in the western part of the colony. I believe there had also been a lake in the central part that had been filled up. Now the wetlands have been filled up and houses constructed. During a heavy downpour, the water runs off alongside the main colony road towards the area that used to be the marshes. This is now being collected through storm water drains along the road and it goes away to join the nullah.

Can there not be a long trench dug parallel to the storm water drain, and this long trench be filled with gravel,sand etc to become an unconventional harvesting trench instead of the conventional design. The huge volume of water is unneccessarily being sent to the city nullahs which are heavily polluted making this run off useless to anyone. Could you please suggest if this would work and also who if anyone would have the expertise to do this in Hyderabad
