Need help with grey water treatment in a residential building - What primary secondary treatment options should be used and what are the costs assosciated with the same ?


I am evaluating the idea to install a grey water recycling system in a residential apartment comprising of 36 units.

Details of the project:
1. G+8 multi-storeyed building
2. 5 units in 1st to 7th floor; 1 unit in eighth floor
3. Average built-up area of a unit: 1300 sq ft

The main queries that I have:
1. Source of grey water collection: Apart from bathroom grey water should kitchen grey water also be included even though it is more contaminated?
2. Treatment of grey water: What primary and secondary treatment options should I use if my main intention is to use it for flushing purpose?Also what would be the costing of such a system?
3. Uses of grey water: I was proposing to use the grey water for toilet flushing purpose. Are there any other purpose for which we can use the grey water such as car washing and gardening? if yes then will there be any cost increment in treatment of grey water system.
4. Operation cost: what is the operating cost and periodic maintenance cost of such grey water treatment system? Apart from the cost of energy consumption of pump from underground tank to over head water tank, are there any recurring cost involved?
5. Establishment costs: are there any other cost except plumbing costs and grey water treatment system cost for successful implementation of the system?
6. Any disadvantages of such a system? Any chances of odour generation? Any common error while designing such a system?

Please advice.
