Need help with division of water bill in flats - Can we divide based on the number of people in each flat? Are there any laws?


We stay in a flats in Hyderabad and in all, there are a total of 8 flats. The usual system followed is that the total bill is divided by 8. But in one of the flats there are 8 people. In another 5, 2 and 4 to 5. In one 1. The flat with 8 people waste a lot of water and have no concern regarding water conservation at all and simply fill and store water everyday in big drums and the next day fo no reason throw it away. The bill is shared by all the flats and is not based on the number of people. We are much troubled by this wastage and the fact that we have to pay for their wastage. When we asked them to have a system to divide the bill by the number of people in each flat, they said that there was some "Flats rule".

Kindly let me know how to solve this menace and if we can divide the bill based on the number of people in each flat (Divide the bill by the total number of people in each flat instead of 8 which is the number of flats.) I have come to know that the division of water bill is done based on the plinth area of each flat? Could you please let me know more details on this? We do not want to pay for their careless usage. Help us in this matter. I wanted to know as to what laws exist in India regarding the division of water bill among all the flat owners.

Thank you
