Need help in designing rain water harvesting for house in Hoody Circle,Bangalore,Karnataka - What is the best method of borewell recharge?

I am residing in Hoody circle, Bangalore which is a very dry and rocky area and my borewell depth is upto 800 feet and chances of water is very less.

I have put two types of casing pipes

1. From ground level to 80 Feet - PVC casing

2. From ground level to 120 Feet - MS Casing pipe which is inside the PVC casing pipe.

Request your help on designing rain water harvesting (RWH) for my individual house. Currently I am planning to put a RWH Filter - RAINY 150 which will automatically flush the rain water and filtered water will be available from the inlet pipe and waste/dust/leaves will be drained. The filtered water is separated to two different pipes 1. One to the 6000 litre storage sump 2. To the Percolation pit.

Here is my doubt on the second point. Should the percolation pit be around the bore-well (or) near to the bore-well The method of percolation pit around the bore-well is clearly explained by Bangalore Water and Sewage board in the "Borewell recharging"

But some reference in Internet sites and indiawaterportal posts says that percolation pit should be nearby to the borewell and not around the borewell. Please help me in choosing the good method.

Thanks for the kind help
