Need help with design of over head tank and distribution system for supplying water to about 300 residents

I need help with the design of overhead tank and distribution system. I am trying to design an overhead tank and distribution system with following features:

The idea is to design 2 over head tanks each with a separate source of water, say Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and bore well with an interconnection between them. In normal conditions, both tanks supply water for different purposes. Assuming that water from STP can be used for only some purposes and that from bore well cane be used for all purposes, the inter connection should ensure that water from bore well tank goes into STP tank in case the water in STP tank goes below a certain level.

Can anyone please provide me some sample calculations which are on the similar lines? The idea is to design the tanks for supply of water to about 300 residents living at group level in 80 Sq m area at ground level and also to have a possibility to upgrade the system in future if another floor is built on the existing ground floor.

