Need geophysical investigation for identification of soil formations and aquifer information over large area


I need the data on the type of soil formation (different soil layers, water holding capacities etc) over a huge area, say 4000 hectares, and also regarding the aquifer information (ground water level, volume of water in aquifer, flow direction in the aquifer) in the area.

I was suggested that these information can be got through Vertical Electric Soundings (VES) along with Horizontal Profiling. But someone else suggested that VES data is not adequate, instead we need to conduct 2-D Resistivity and Induced Polarization Survey.

As far as I have read, VES data gives only vertical profiling, but VES along with horizontal profiling data would give both vertical as well as the lateral (horizontal profile) data. For my better understand, can anyone help me with the below questions?

  1. For horizontal profiling, do we have to do the tests again over the entire area after the VES tests have been done? or can it be done simultaneously in the same equipment?
  2. Is it better to go ahead with Two-dimensional resistivity (2DR) and Induced Polarization (IP) method or can we get the data with VES and horizontal profiling itself?
  3. Does 2DR and IP give both vertical and horizontal profiles in a single testing equipment?

