Need design standards for storm water drainage design - Are there any particular design standards for pollutant concentration reduction in storm water runoff, or reductions in runoff volume?

Hi, I am an environmental engineer from Australia looking at a project in Hyderabad and am just commencing some research on design standards and design approaches for stormwater drainage design.

I have found a few bits and pieces through this portal - RWH Manual as well as some information from Venkata Rathnam et al.

I understand the use of LID, SUSD approaches to drainage design - in Australia known as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and the importance of rainwater harvesting to reduce pressure on groundwater resources along with other benefits.

A common approach here in Australia, is, during the conceptual phase of design, to use some modelling software known as the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) as a tool to conceptually design and test a range of stormwater management measures (tanks, ponds, filtration, wetlands, biofiltration, swales etc).  This software uses a continuous simulation down to 6min time steps (if you have the data) to assess what impact measures have on stormwater quality (TN, TP and TSS) as well as volume.  I am fairly confident in being able to apply this software to an Indian context - as long as I can chase down some continuous (6min timestep) rainfall data, or at worst daily rainfall data, and possibly pollutant generation rates for various land uses (although this may be harder).

Two questions follow:

Where would I find rainfall data for the Hyderabad area - and what are my chances of being able to get hold of continuous (6min) data?

Are there any particular desing standards for pollutant concentration reduction in stormwater runoff, or reductions in runoff volume?

Moving from conceptual design, to the detailed design of the stormwater network presents more issues.  In Australia I am able to make use of a range of runoff routing models (SWMM, RAFTS, DRAINS) to assist with designing the stormwater network for various design storms (1 in 5yr, 1 in 100 yr etc).  Are there modelling programs out there that are adjusted to indian conditions to assist with drainage network design (pipes, overland flow paths, basins)?

My questions are:

Where would I find design standards for stormwater drainage design - are there specific design events to be catered for in the Hyderabad area - what is the best place to start looking for these?

Has modeling software been developed for stormwater drainage design for the Indian context?

I understand that these are big questions and am not expecting hugely detailed answers given that peoples time is valuable. However, any assistance on the above would be greatly appreciated.


