Need contact information of people working on water management especially for the urban poor in Ajmer, Rajasthan


Am pursuing my Masters in Urban Governance (Master Governing the Large Metropolises) at Sciences Po, Paris and currently working on my thesis.

Have a few questions related to my research:

Since the publishing of the report on city development plan for Ajmer and Pushkar under/for the JNNURM scheme in 2006

  • What are the measures undertaken by the local authorities to improve the drinking water and sanitation services, especially for the urban poor?
  • What are the goals and objectives of the local authorities to improve water and sanitation services to the inhabitants of Ajmer, especially the urban poor, in the near future?

I was wondering if you might have some information/contacts that could be of use for my work - it would be very helpful.  Also, I would be in Ajmer for a week’s field work between March 16 and March 23, 2013 and if I could meet someone working in the field at that time, it would be helpful.
