Need advice on treating water with high turbidity levels in Trinidad, West Indies

I live in Trinidad West Indies. I have a problem with a water treatment plant that treats water from two surface water intakes. During the rainy season, the turbidity levels often exceeds 150 NTU's. The plant cannot treat this level of turbidity because of the shortened filter runs. The plant  consists of a raw water intake followed by a clarifier, filter and a clear well. The water is chlorinated in the clear well before pumping into distribution. Water is treated with Alum to reduce particualte matter. How can I modify the plant to treat the higher turbidity levels and reduce shut downs at the plant and optimise production.?

Production at the plant has also fallen from 190 cu.m per hour to 154 cu.m per hour. The raw water pumps at the plant are to be changed shortly. Kindly suggest a suitable intervention.

J. Warner
