Need advice on setting up a bottling plant in Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dear Sirs,

I am planning to setup a Packaged Drinking Water plant in Wada district Thane, which is located in Mumbai. The hardness of the water when tested resulted to 85. I need your opinion whether the RO process would make this type of water suitable for drinking.

Can you please mention the best RO process manufacturer as you'll would be best experienced.

I am already aware of all the norms by BIS so i wont have a question on it.

What information would help ideally is that i am not starting my own brand but would like to take up job works for various companies. Size of the company is irrelevant.

I just needed advise as to is there a true demand for CONTRACT FILLING or every brand prefers to set up their own brand.

The reason of not starting up my own brand is that i have a certain restriction to funds as a result of which i can just afford the machines but cannot invest in the working capital etc.

Also i was told that the water business in India is based on a NO CREDIT payment style of policy and that too if credit is offered would be on exception cases and for a short time to. How true is this ?

Anyone who can help me their feedback would be much appreciated.

Thans in advance to you all.


