Need advice in selecting the right pump motor power and size for our newly dug bore well in Bangalore, Karnataka

We drilled a new bore well (800feet) in our apartment complex due to the drying up of our earlier 400 feet bore well. While drilling the bore well in July 2009, we could not find any water till it reached 800feet.

After we dug the bore well, serveral people dug borewells in and around our appartment and some of them could find water at the depth of 800 feeet.

Recently one of the bore well company checked and told us that there is water in our bore well, and they inserted a camera and showed us sources from four stages (80, 200, 400). According to them the yield could be 2 inches.

Our old bore well used a 2HP single phase motor with 2 inch pipe, so my quetsion is what should be the motor power to be used for our new well (800feet)? also let me know the the size of the pipe needs to be used to tap this source of water.

Expecting an expert suggession to solve our water problem. Also let me know anything else need to be carried out in this matter?
