Need advice regarding selection of purification method : Test report provided

The report on the analysis of water(from borewell) used in my house is as follows

1. Turbidity - 52 NTU  2. PH - 5.80  3. Acidity - 6mg/lt  4. Alkalinity - 42mg/lt

5. Total hardness - 36 mg/lt 6. Calcium - 8.82 mg/lt 7. Mg - 5.61mg/lt

8. Iron - 2.98mg/lt 9. Chloride - 18mg/lt 10. Flouride - 0.05mg/lt

11. Bacteriological analysis - 29 Coliforms/100ml

12. Colour - 50 Hasen

From the report it is seen that the water has high turbidity, Iron, Colour, low PH, coliforms and needs to be treated before use.
Please suggest methods/purifying systems/purifiers suitable for improving the quality of water to acceptable levels.
Soni. R
